
**Sterol 117   Immuno-care 相同 

加拿大  愛民頓  Dr. Chris Roiston



當我開始處方sterol 117給病人服用之後,我發現他們都有意想不到的效果.我跟進病人時,資詢他們的意見,他們都非常滿意,你們這產品確實地可以改變人們的生活,我的病人全部都非常感激和滿意


 加拿大  卡加里  Dr. R. Davies



市場上,可以找到一個新的產品,既包含高份量的植物營養,更加上同樣可以抗衰老,而且又有助於身體吸收營養的Cellaste (其中一個成份)配方.對於我是一件非常興奮的事情.


身為一個自然療法醫生,搜尋和處方有品質的天然補充物是我優先需要考慮的事情,一個醫生責任是給病人可以獲得最好的藥物治療.當我被介紹使用Sterol 117的時候,我注意到它的研製過程很特殊,他們很著意產品是不是能被吸收.






美國  芝加哥 Dr. Rico, North Western University school of Medicine.

Dr. Rico

美國 Idaho, Dr G Gilbere, ND, PHD


我已經給我的病人使用Sterol 117 四年,我總是有很滿意的成果.在美國,這是其中一個最好的產品,它的用途範圍很廣; 對於增強免疫系統,最為有效.


我發現對於那些經常生活暴露於被毒素污染的環境和對化學物質敏感的病人,推介他們服食Sterol 117,是最能增強他們免疫系統功能.服食Sterol 117,很快有效,一般病人在三至四周內都會見到改善.如果醫生有興趣使用它來附助西藥.我不會猶豫推薦這產品給他的診所.

美國  西雅圖 Dr. D Wood


過去五年,我的醫務室已經處方Sterol 117 給病人服用,我們一直以來都注意到這產品非常有效,尤其是那些免疫系統失調的病人.





Dr. Allen Tyler


在醫學界,Dr. Tyler 的經驗,閱歷一直都受到同業的尊重和認同.










Dr Tyler確是一位有學問,智慧,憐憫心的學者.

以下是Dr. Tyler Sterol 117的評語:


此時此候,正是最適當時機向你介紹Sterol 117,我們的周圍環境在迅速的改變,而且影響我們的健康.維持我們健康所需要的營養是要依靠正確的食物提供,但是現在的食物大部分都經過加工.種植穀類,糧食,蔬菜時都噴射了殺蟲藥.為了方便,更用改做遺傳基因的方法種植.我們像被投了流行性感冒炸彈一樣,經常感冒,而且一經感染,需要一星期,甚至一個月才康復.可怕病毒,(SARS)沙士,和西羅士(West Nile)病毒,都挑戰著我們的免疫系統.


找到和處方有質素的天然補充物給病人,對醫生來言是非常重要的責任.當第一次被介紹Sterol 117的時候,它的處方,其中能提高免疫系統的成份都給我留下極深的印象,這確實是一個令人激動,興奮的事情,它可以專針對免疫系統失調的人,增強和平衡免疫系統功能.


自己身為一個西醫師,我很高興市場可以看見這些有品質的產品,我知道沒有別的產品可以像Sterol 117一樣,能夠以增強免疫系統功能,來維持身體健康.

There is a time and a place for everything! The time, place and introduction of Sterol 117 couldn’t be better! Our environment is rapidly changing and so is our health. We eat nutrient depleted foods that lack proper nutrition to sustain vibrant health. Our foods are over processed, pesticides are sprayed on our crops and grains that are genetically modified for convenience.  We are bombarded by strains of flu never before heard of. Colds that linger for weeks and months, exotic viruses such as SARS and West Nile that compromise our immune system. 

Finding and prescribing quality natural supplements is so important as doctors. When I was first introduced to Sterol 117, I was impressed with the formulation and the immune enhancing properties of the ingredients. This is an exciting product with such a range of applications. It should be targeted at immune dysfunction, and used to normalize the immune response.  

It is gratifying to me as a physician to see quality products enter the market. I know of no other plant sterol product, with the health enhancing immune benefits offered by Sterol 117. 

Dr. Allen Tyler’s name and illustrious career has long been recognized by many healthcare professionals, doctors and students in the field of alternative medicine as a leading voice of knowledge and of clinical experience that spans over 50 years. He is well known in the United States and Canada. He has a wealth of education achieving the degrees of Medical Doctor, Naturopathic Doctor, and PhD.

Underscored but not limited to his many degrees and accomplishments in the fields of Naturopathic Medicine, Chiropractic, Neurology and having served as Medical Director for the State of Washington in its Department of Rehabilitation, Dr. Tyler has not lost sight of his most valued assets – knowledge and compassion.

Doctor testimonies

I called a few of my patients and heard their testimonies again, and as you will read they are quite amazing. Your product can make quite a difference in people’s lives. They all experienced dramatic results from when I started to prescribe your product to them. All were very appreciative and grateful. Finding a natural supplement that works so well for my patients is comforting for them and me, since we now know that the product really works. My patients are really less controlled by their conditions. It is liberating for my patients.      Dr Chris Rolston, Edmonton, Canada

With high dose of plant sterols, the Cellasate that facilitates the absorption of the ingredients and the antioxidants all in one product, this to me is one of the most exciting new products on the market.    Dr R. Davies, Calgary, Canada

Finding and prescribing quality natural supplements is a priority with me as a naturopathic physician. As a doctor it is important that my patients are getting the best medicine available. When I was first introduced to Sterol 117, I noticed that the developers of this product addressed the issue of absorption. Unfortunately, most supplements only have a 20-30% absorption rate. Sterol 117 enjoys a much higher rate than normal absorption rate. I have been using this product for some time and I am very pleased with the clinical results. I use this product on patients that I know have compromised immune systems. In todays world most people would benefit from using this supplement. 

I know of no other product containing sterols and antioxidants that have the health enhancing immune benefits offered by Sterol 117.  Dr D. Rico, Chicago, USA. North Western University School of Medicine, Dr Rico also consults to some of the United States largest nutraceutical corporations.

I have been using Sterol 117 on my patients now for approximately 4 years and have always been please with the results they get. It is one of the best products I have seen in the United States, and find it can have a very wide application range. Most patients I see have compromised immune systems and the product works very well to modulate the system. I am finding that with the high exposure to toxins and other chemical sensitivities in my patient base, that prescribing Sterol 117 is an excellent way to enhance their immune function. It works very quickly also, averaging 3-4 weeks with most patients. I would not hesitate to recommend this product to other physicians and clinics interested in complimentary medicines.  Dr G Gilbere, ND, PhD, Idaho, USA

My clinic has been prescribing Sterol 117 for the last 5 years and we have consistently noticed that the product has been very effective in treating patients with immune system dysfunction.  I was impressed with the formulation, the high manufacturing standards, and the clinical studies supporting this product. I will continue to use this product and recommend it to other doctors.

Dr D Wood, Seattle USA

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**Sterol 117 與  Immuno-care 相同  加拿大  愛民頓  Dr. Chris Roiston     當我開始處方sterol 117給病人服用之後,我發現他們都有意想不到的效果.我跟進病人時,資詢他們的意見,他們都非常滿意,你們這產品確實地可以改變人們的生活,我的病人全部都非常感激和滿意 能夠找到一種天然有效果的補充物給我的病人,使我和病人都覺得十分地安慰,我的病人已經可以更容易的控制其病況.他們有被釋放的感覺.    加拿大  卡加里  Dr....

Sterol 117™

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