Sterol 117™

(Celt Naturals™)

“Clinically Tested and Patented”

Allergic immunological reactions can show up just about anywhere in your body and create an incredible variety of symptoms. They can affect your nose, eyes, throat, lungs, stomach, skin and nervous system. They can make you itch, wheeze and sneeze, make your nose run and your eyes weep, give you a headache and even bring on fatigue and depression. 

Good health and a strong immune system is the best defense in warding off allergic reactions that are plaguing an ever increasing percentage of the world’s population. While some allergic responses are little more than a nuisance, others affect the entire body and can develop, if untreated, into more serious problems as we age. Research indicates that blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, arthritis and other degenerative diseases can develop as a result of untreated allergies. 


A randomized double blind placebo control clinical trial on Sterol 117 was completed at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  
This pilot study was conducted at the Human Nutraceutical Research Unit and was designed to investigate the effect of supplementation with Sterol 117 on immunological response to allergens. 
The participants in the treatment group, when compared to the control group, showed a statistically significant reduction in the basophil count. These leukocytes are responsible for histamine release. 

The research also showed a substantial reduction in the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 levels in the treatment group when compared to the control group. 

Sterol 117 has demonstrated that it has an effect on histamine release from human basophils and also on IL-6 levels and consequently can substantially alleviate symptoms associated with airborne allergens. Further studies will be conducted with a larger patient population and a longer trial period to investigate other areas of immunological response. 



Patient compliance using Sterol 117 is excellent. The recommended dose during the trial was a loading dose of 1 capsule in the morning, and one capsule in the evening for 7 consecutive days. Participants were then advised to reduce the dosage to one capsule per day for the duration of the study. 
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Normally when activated basophils degranulate to release histamine. They also secrete lipid mediators like leukotrienes, and several cytokines. Each of these substances contributes to inflammation. Recent evidence suggests that basopils are an important source of the cytokine, interleukin-4, perhaps more important than T-cells. Interleukin-4 is considered one of the critical cytokines in the development of allergies and the production of IgE antibody by the immune system.



Immune Parameters



Sterol 117



Day 0



Sterol 117



Day 28



Sterol 117






Day 28-Day 0






Day 0






Day 28






% Difference



Day 28-Day 0






















































- 95.6%**









- 69%




** Statistically significant, p<0.05



The immune system also responds to stressors by causing certain immune cells to secrete the pro-inflammatory cytokines, Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6). These cytokines are both involved in inflammation and IL-6 is thought to worsen symptoms of autoimmune diseases and fibromyalgia.

Inteleukin-6 has been found to act as a growth factor in several tumors, and some viruses also use interleukin-6 to replicate. Interleukin-6 also causes calcium to be released from the bone, promoting osteoporosis. Control of the release of these cytokines is necessary to enhance immunity and reduce degenerative diseases.



Sterol 117

Sterol 117 a patented formula comprises of 300mg of plant sterols derived from soy, together with 20mg of a broad spectrum antioxidant derived from pine through an aqueous extraction process. If a nutraceutical is to be effective then the bioavailability factor becomes critical. Sterol 117 has been developed with this in mind. The component Cellasate is designed to assist the body in the uptake of these important therapeutic components and allows them to be better utilized and absorbed.

All ingredients are strictly and carefully selected. Only North American, European or New Zealand raw materials are used in this product. Celt Naturals insists on every batch of finished product to be assayed by a third party laboratory.

This ensures that your patient is getting the highest quality and also that our label claims are met. We encourage our doctors to ask for a Certificate of Analysis on
Sterol 117.

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**Sterol 117 與  Immuno-care 相同  加拿大  愛民頓  Dr. Chris Roiston     當我開始處方sterol 117給病人服用之後,我發現他們都有意想不到的效果.我跟進病人時,資詢他們的意見,他們都非常滿意,你們這產品確實地可以改變人們的生活,我的病人全部都非常感激和滿意 能夠找到一種天然有效果的補充物給我的病人,使我和病人都覺得十分地安慰,我的病人已經可以更容易的控制其病況.他們有被釋放的感覺.    加拿大  卡加里  Dr....

Sterol 117™

(Celt Naturals™) “Clinically Tested and Patented” Allergic immunological reactions can show up just about anywhere in your body and create an incredible variety of symptoms. They can affect your nose, eyes, throat, lungs, stomach, skin and nervous system. They can make you itch, ...

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